Laser Engraving Machine are a little bit different than traditional engraving machines. With the laser engraving machine, no actual piece of mechanics (tools, bits, and so on) ever comes into contact with the surface that is being engraved. The laser itself does the engraving and there is no need to constantly be replacing engraving tips like with the other machines.
2016-12-19Once you decide to make use of tools for the purpose of Laser Engraving Machine, you will find that you would have to do a lot of replacing of the heads and so forth.
2016-12-16During the Laser Cutting Machine process, the laser beam creates the right insertion. As a result of the intensity of the beam, the cuts do not disturb molecular setup of the object. Thus, no cracks or broken surfaces are formed. The Acrylic Laser Cutting machine can be used for cutting Plexiglas, Perspex, Glass and similar surfaces. The process is seamless and requires no after treatment.
2016-12-15Laser Cutting System has brought about a revolution in the manufacturing industries. These high-powered optical beams are used to cut through a variety of materials such as metal,textile,fabric, wood, glass and plastic. The laser is directed at the required surface and moved around to cut the material in the desired shape. Laser cutting gives a finer finish to the end product as compared to conventional cutting methods.